
1: マスク剥ぎ(光) [RO] 2019/07/31(水) 10:39:39.92 ID:BaLHBa2F0 BE:292723191-PLT(19081)
Chase Dekker believes the photo he took of a humpback whale “swallowing” a sea lion
is the first time that happening has ever been caught on camera.


Humpback whales don’t have teeth, only baleen plates with bristles inside their mouths.
They are filter feeders and the bristles filter food from water – and things like sea lions that don’t belong in there.
A whale will usually take less than five seconds lunge-feeding, Chase says, but in this
instance sunk slowly over 15 seconds with its mouth open, giving the sea lion ample time to swim away.

“The whale never actually closed its jaws around the sea lion, so it shouldn’t have been harmed.”
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引用元: イワシを食っていたクジラ、間違ってアシカを食ってしまう

2: ネックハンギングツリー(千葉県) [ヌコ] 2019/07/31(水) 10:40:06.39 ID:W4sbIA0L0

3: 男色ドライバー(兵庫県) [TH] 2019/07/31(水) 10:41:15.90 ID:WS78AB/a0

18: フォーク攻撃(東京都) [US] 2019/07/31(水) 10:45:01.14 ID:FeulOMTM0


Source: 不思議